Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Text File
157 lines
TD 1.0
Transverse Directory
Copyright (c) 1988 by Unique Software
Post Office Box 26613
Fort Worth, Texas 76126-0613
CompuServe - 70130,330
American People Link - UNIQUESOFT
MCI Mail - 252-8689
Our latest mighty-mini utility weighing in at 492 bytes, TD will assist
you in navigating any disk (floppy or hard) whether you new to computers or an
advanced user.
TD anticipation
Unlike CD (CHDIR), TD attempts to anticipate your wishes. For example, if
your current directory is "\BASIC" and it has NO subdirectories when you type
"TD", it will move you to the parent directory of "\BASIC", just like typing
in "CD .." except that TD anticipated what was needed. However, if "BASIC"
contains a single subdirectory, say "GAMES", and you type in "TD", it will
move you to that SINGLE subdirectory, namely "\BASIC\GAMES".
TD assistance
What if there are multiple directories? Well normally the only way you
know that TD worked is by it issuing it's name and copyright.
TD 1.0 <> Copyright (c) 1988 by Unique Software
But if TD detects more than one subdirectory exists at the current level
an area will appear between the name and copyright notice. In this area will
be the name of the first directory located (normally ".." or the parent
directory of the current directory). At this point the cursor will stop to the
right of the name as TD awaits your selection:
[ENTER] selects the current directory displayed and changes to it.
[ESC] aborts TD.
any other key brings up the name of the next directory found. Since TD
loops through the directories infinitely the only way to exit TD is to press
either the [ENTER] or [ESC] keys.
New to PCompatibles?
Parent Directory? Sub-Directory? ".."?
If you've ever used any kind of computer with a disk drive, you
probabably have run across the DIRectory command. It's lists what files are
contained on the disk. However, MS-DOS has taken this a step further. You can
actually create you own directories within other directories (called the Root
Directory) with MS-DOS. These directories (called sub-directories) are
assigned names (just like files) when you create them. Then within each of the
sub-directories you can create other sub-directories. Then within...(well not
forever...there is a limit). Let's look at a SIMPLE directory structure:
\ OS \ | DATA
\ | \ | /
\ /
\ /
The parent directories are (root), DOS, BASIC, and GAMES. MS-DOS lists
parent directories within subdirectories with the token "..". TD also uses the
same token.
The sub directories are UTIL, OS, DOS, MUSIC, BOARD, ARCADE, GAMES, DATA
and BASIC.
Yes, DOS, BASIC, and GAMES are BOTH parent directories AND
sub-directories. A parent directory is ANY directory which has (child)
sub-directories. A sub-directory is ANY directory created off of ANOTHER
directory. [For more information read about CD, CHDIR, RD, RMDIR, MD, MKDIR in
your DOS manual.]
Copyright and Shareware License
Even though TD.COM 1.0 is a copyrighted work, Unique Software grants you a
"Shareware" license to; use the program; make as many copies of the program
and documentation as you wish for yourself and others; distribute the program
and documentation via electronic or other means; feel guilty if you are not
supporting GOOD shareware software. You may NOT sell the program or any
modification of it. You may NOT request donations for distribution of the
program. You may NOT remove this notice. You may NOT in any other way try to
make money from TD 1.0. If you do give away copies of TD 1.0, you MUST
distribute the program and documentation together. Unique Software is not
liable for any damages of any kind related to the use of this program and by
using the software, you agree to this.
Wait is Fairware?
Unique Software never suggests a "donation" or "fee". We do not expect
charity for our work. We respect your intelligence. We feel that you know how
much each of our Shareware software packages are worth to you. Don't feel like
you HAVE to send in $20 or $10, if you know the program is only worth $5 to
you. Neither be embarrassed sending in $10 if you think it's worth $40. We've
trusted you thus far and expect the balance when you've got it. In other
words, whatever is the value of our software to you is what the price
is...that's Fairware. [Remember to send us your name and address with your
Shareware and Unique Software
Shareware Programs
This concept has been seriously perverted over the last several years.
Initially Shareware was a daring method of distributing software without
spending the big advertising bucks that the major firms have. It was daring
because after the author(s) spent many hours developing the software, it was
distributed freely to anyone who wanted it. The author(s) relying not only on
the honesty of the users but also the quality and usefulness of the software
for payment. Numerous "authorities" laughed continuously at the concept until
it started to work. You probably have used or heard of the biggest successes,
PC-TALK, PC-WRITE, and PROCOMM. There are many others.
Success in any new venture also brings an influx of people wanting to
share the pie. There are a lot of talented Shareware programmers and
unfortunately a lot of half-baked amateurs. Therein lies the problem. For
every talented programmer and program that any of us come across, we cross two
to three half-baked programs and programmers. Shareware by it's definition at
birth is GOOD fully-functional software, NOT stripped-down, half-baked
software that is either so botched or stripped down that it's effectiveness
and usefulness is absent. How could you determine you wanted to register a
shareware spreadsheet program if the "Shareware Version" only allowed simple
arithmetic and a 9x9 spreadsheet? Are you willing to commit 40K of your
valuable disk space and register a program that works "most" of the time?
Shareware Users
Why bother to register? Why pay for it? Who's going to know one way or the
other? It's not worth the $5,000 registration fee! It's only used once or
twice a week!
How about that stack of adventure games you've solved and now sit
gathering dust in the corner? Where they worth the $25 and more EACH that you
paid for them? How often do you use them a week? a month?
The Shareware authors who are dedicated to the REAL concept of Shareware
probably won't mind if you sent $5 or $10 instead of the $15 suggested.
However understand if you're expecting the author to spend hours guiding you
through problems your having, he may be reluctant without "full" payment.
Remember, if it's REALLY not worth anything then you probably wouldn't be
using it.
Actually, you and your conscience are the only ones who know whether you
registered and paid for the software or not. Look at it this way. Take your
coin collection, or stamp collection, or video collection (something you've
worked hard in developing and are quite proud of), open a store and put a sign
on the counter, Please Pay Before Leaving, then walk off. Coming back and
seeing everything gone would be very traumatic unless everyone who did want
something did pay. You either have a bucket of money and proudly start to
build another collection, working harder, making it better than the first
collection; or without the money without the support of those appreciating
your effort you just give up and quit. The programmers can often see how many
downloads there are of his program. Fifty to a hundred to two hundred
downloads and NO registrants, not even comments can really stifle
creativeness. An alternative is driving down to the software store in the mall
and paying THOSE prices. That's why Shareware was invented.
You can tell good software from junk software. There are a lot of
responsible programmers out there who keep up with their customers.
Registration also allows them to let you know when there are bugs found and
corrected, enhancements, and upgrades.